Our Front Desk Crew

Our front desk crew is fantastic!

They provide a welcoming experience through a warm check-in process and support each yogi’s questions about membership, access, and studio flow.

Want to join the front desk crew?

Front desk yogis may volunteer to support the studio 3 hours per week in exchange for unlimited classes, discounts on workshops and special events, discounts on merchandise, and participation in events.

Duties include checking yogis into class, signing new yogis into Up Dog, light studio cleaning (sweeping, vacuuming, counter wiping, mirror cleaning, etc.).

We ask that yogis maintain a 6-month commitment.

Karla Arango

Favorite Yoga Posture: Ardha Chandrasana (Half Moon)

Off the Mat: Karla works for Maryland State government! She loves to find different ways to explore different cities and can be your plus one to any music festivals or concerts because she loves live music. 

What’s Up: Karla is an adrenaline lover! She enjoys doing new things that push her out of her comfort zone.

Trip to Yoga: Karla discovered yoga in high school when she was looking for holistic methods to improve mental and physical health. After a break in practice, she found herself wanting to find a community and practice that was going to fill her cup and mind with good energy.

Shahnaz Ghahremani

Favorite Yoga Posture: Bhujangasana (Cobra)

Off the Mat: She enjoys anything outdoorsy, active, and creative. She's usually off hiking, biking, playing volleyball, cooking, or buying another plant to add to her collection. 

What's Up: She loves traveling around the world and getting to know new cultures and new ethnic foods.

Trip to Yoga: Shahnaz has been practicing yoga on and off for about 8 years. She loves to get her sweat on, clear her mind through movement, and connect with other fellow yogis!

Lindsay Cribbs

Favorite Yoga Posture: Downward Facing dog (Adho Mukha Svanasana) 

Off the Mat: She loves to cook and bake, and is always looking forward to the Sunday Farmers market. 

What’s Up: She just moved from South Carolina to DC for a Masters degree at American University! 

Trip to Yoga: Lindsay has been practicing yoga her entire life. Being able to connect with her body and mind through my practice has created an incredible shift in her day-to-day life. She’s excited to continue her journey on the mat in DC, traveling from the east coast in South Carolina to the west coast in San Francisco and back!

Ashley Train

Favorite Yoga Posture: Eka Pada Galavasana (Extended Crow)

Off the Mat: She enthusiastically tries out different activities, from weaving to Muay Thai. Tell her your go-to hobby!  

What’s Up: She loves testing recipes and cooking - if there’s a kitchen, that’s where she’ll be. 

Trip to Yoga: Ashley joined the yoga community to connect with not only herself but also with the global population. After moving to Nottingham, England to pursue her Master’s Degree, Ashley quickly began searching for balance and serenity to offset the vigor associated with researching human rights violations within the global fashion industry. She joined a meditation center first, and her asana practice slowly developed as a way to unwind from the day. Over the years Ashley spent time traveling and visiting different studios and ashrams throughout South East Asia, finding beauty and inspiration within the variations of styles. To Ashley, yoga is a lifestyle, an ongoing practice of the eight limbs, a commitment to love yourself and your macro environment. It is a journey of patience, listening, and following that little voice within that says “let’s try.” 

Emma Conover

Favorite Yoga Posture: Virabhadrasana C (Warrior III)

Off the Mat: You might find her trying new recipes, planning her next trip, and thrifting for treasures for her home.

What’s Up: Emma loves to try new restaurants & is always looking for recommendations!! 

Trip to Yoga: Emma started her yoga journey recently as a way to get moving, spend time with herself, and build community after making the move to DC.

SJ Vaughan

Favorite Yoga Posture: Fallen Triangle (Patita Tarasana) or Star (Utthita Tadasana)

Off the Mat: Avid drag queen enthusiast

What’s Up: She spends most of her time loving on her rescue, Posie, and other pets around DC. You can follow along @sjvaughan_

Trip to Yoga: SJ began taking yoga seriously after years of high intensity training burnout. She is excited to continue to grow and loves how inclusive and welcoming the Up Dog Yoga Community is! 

Lila Kiron

Favorite Yoga Posture: Supta Baddha Konasana (Reclined Butterfly) - she loves the way it sounds 

Off the Mat: Lila can often be found roaming around the city. She loves to spend time outdoors; hiking, walking, swimming, playing fetch with her dog, Bear, or having a bbq with friends. 

What’s Up: Lila loves to explore and experience new places. She loves listening to, telling, and writing stories. 

Trip to Yoga: Lila started doing yoga during COVID to start and end her day by rejuvenating and relaxing her mind and body. Since then, Lila has fallen in love with the routine, challenge, and progression of the practice. She can’t imagine her life without it and is grateful for all the connections she has made throughout her yoga journey. 

Michael Farmer-Fonseca

Favorite Yoga Posture: Adho Mukha Vrksasana (Handstand)

Off the Mat: Michael is a strength and conditioning coach, and loves being active and pursuing good health. He has a son named Arlo and a dog named Snape. His wife is Anna Farmer-Fonseca and is the absolute love of his life. 

What’s Up: Michael is trying to practice my guitar regularly and conquer his fear of performing in front of others. 

Trip to Yoga: Michael very competitive in most things, but Yoga has always felt like a haven for nurturing his body regardless of how he perform. Michael has practiced off and on for years, and has found that when he practices regularly, his body is happier and healthier.

Emily Garvey

Favorite Yoga Posture: Natarajasana (Dancer) - It's nostalgic to her Cheerleading days

Off the Mat: She works in consulting, loves to cook, travel, enjoy concerts, and lounge with her Great Dane mutt, Harper. 

What's Up: She loves music and is always looking to be put on to something or someone new!

Trip to Yoga: Emily has been practicing on and off for 10 years. Rediscovering yoga's mental and physical benefits have allowed Emily to fall in love with it again. It keeps her sane! She is consistently bewildered about how different her balance really can be at 6AM vs. 6PM!

Taylor Roar

Favorite Yoga Posture: Kakasana (Crow Pose)

Off the Mat: Taylor can be found with her camera in hand, helping brands and creatives build timeless digital content libraries. Her dog Tinker keeps her company during long editing days.

What's Up: Wearing gigantic headphones. Playing cozy video games on Nintendo Switch. Drinking caramel coffee until her tummy hurts. 

Trip to Yoga: After a decade of debilitating social anxiety, yoga taught Taylor that it is possible to live an embodied life through regulating the nervous system. Now she still stands quietly by the snack bowl at parties – she just feels less awkward about it.

Brit Rudolph

Favorite Yoga Posture: Kapotasana (Pigeon Pose)

Off the Mat: Works in tech (women in STEM woo!!) Enjoys hot girl walks, pottery, red wine, live music, and trying new restaurants.

What's Up: Always has a flight booked & is currently learning ASL

Trip to Yoga: Brit took her first yoga class in high school, but many years later tried heated yoga practice which sparked a new love. As a busy bee, Brit turns to yoga for a calm (but still challenging) space to escape. She loves that yoga celebrates what your body CAN do and no matter what that looks like it is enough :)

Ruby Davis

Favorite Yoga Posture: Supta Virasana (Reclining Hero)

Off the Mat: Ruby loves reading, hiking, running and watercolor painting.

What's Up: Ruby loves performing mediocre karaoke with friends!

Trip to Yoga: Ruby started her yoga journey 3 years ago after taking a job in a new city where she didn't know anyone. She met great yogis and teachers who have become lifelong friends. She hopes to continue to meet new friends and help others feel welcome in the community.

Jeeyoon Kim

Favorite Yoga Posture: Eka Pada Rajakapotasana (Mermaid Pose)

Off the Mat: Jeeyoon is an avid coffee lover - she loves finding the best cafes around the city!

What’s Up: She moved here a year ago from Seoul but is originally from Texas!

Trip to Yoga: She has been on and off the mat since college and loves the mental and physical sense of calm it provides. She also enjoys the communities she has been able to create through yoga!